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From over the other side of the world this fabric range suits our style of eccletic, in your face, no, I don't like it...., to oh I love, love, love that, which ever group you belong to, just by seeing , you will know...

Alexander Henry makes a statement, wether the love/hate relationship is real or not, even as a purchaser for our store, I can either turn quickly to the next page or linger that moment longer to see if a particular piece fits into our physce, even the colour ranges in the same design can flip you, this Company certainly has stretched my imagination in a good way.

Given how many diverse and different Artists and pieces Alexander Henry has access to, as well as over 30 years experience in the textile industry, is it any wonder the pieces you see in our collection often create conversation as well as it is exciting to see what others are able to create from this magic group, calling themselves Alexander Henry.

Funky, Vibrant, Fun, 100% Cotton, used for Sewing, Upholstery, Quilting, Clothes making, hand sewing, Sewing, Adults, Babies, Baby, Teenagers, Tween-agers, young Adults, Toddlers

1 product found in Alexander Henry Fabrics

scene depicting drive in movies hot rod cars in yellow orange blue black purple racing in clouds of tyre smoke with roller skating girls in hot pants 6767AR MF1001
Phils Drive In - Alexander Henry - Brite
  • $29.95 per metre